1-1. Scope
1-3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of columns
This manual lists basic issue items, items troop
found in the tabular list.
installed or authorized, repair parts, and special
tools required by the crew/operator for operation
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
and required for the performance of organiza-
Codes (SMR).
tional, direct support, general support, and depot
(1) Source code. Indicates the source for the
maintenance of the LS215/U. The PCCN for the
listed items. Source codes are--
LS-215/U is GCMAAU for all models.
1-2. General
P--Repair parts, special tools and test equip-
ment supplied from the GSA/DSA or
This basic issue items, items troop installed or au-
Army supply system and authorized for
thorized, repair parts, and special tools list is
use at indicated maintenance categories.
divided into the following sections--
P2--Repair parts, special tools and test equip-
a. Basic Issue Items List-Section II. Not ap-
ment which are procured and stocked
combat or military essentiality of the
b. Items Troop Installed or Authorized List--
end item dictates that a minimum quan-
Section III. Not applicable.
tity be available in the supply system.
P9--Assigned to items which are NSA design
c. Prescribed Load Allowance (PLA)--Section
controlled: unique repair parts, special
IV. Not applicable.
tools, test, measuring, and diagnostic
d. Repair Parts List--Section V. Not ap-
equipment which are stocked and sup-
plied by the Army COMSEC Logistic
System and which are not subject to
e. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment--
the provisions of AR 380-41.
Section VI. Not applicable.
PIO--Assigned to items which are NSA design
f. Repair Parts List--Section VII. A list of re-
controlled: special tools, test, measur-
pair parts authorized for the performance of
ing, and diagnostic equipment for
maintenance at the direct support, general sup-
COMSEC support which are accountable
port, and depot level.
under the provisions of AR 38041 and
which are stocked and supplied by the
g. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment-
Army COMSEC Logistic System.
Section VIII. Not applicable.
M--Repair parts, special tools and test equip-
ment which are procured or stocked as
h. Index--Federal Stock Number and Reference
such in the supply system but are to be
Number Cross-Reference to Figure and Item
manufactured at indicated maintenance
Number-Section IX. A list, in ascending numeri-
cal sequence, of all Federal stock numbers ap-
pearing in the listings, followed by a list, in al-
A--Assemblies which are not procured or
phameric sequence, of all reference numbers
stocked as such but are made up of two
appearing in the listings. Federal stock number
or more units. Such component units
and reference numbers are cross-referenced to
carry individual stock numbers and
each illustration figure and item number or refer-
descriptions, are procured and stocked
ence designation appearance.
separately, and can be assembled to