Operator, Organizational DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List - TM-11-5965-280-150001Operator, Organizational DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List - TM-11-5965-280-150003Indexes of PublicationsPurpose and Use - TM-11-5965-280-150006REFERENCES - TM-11-5965-280-150007Operator's Preventive MaintenanceOperator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ChartOrganizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Service ChartMAINTENANCE LOCATION - TM-11-5965-280-150013Column Entries - TM-11-5965-280-150014MAINTENANCE LOCATION - TM-11-5965-280-150015Column Entries - TM-11-5965-280-150016SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-5965-280-150017TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSSection IV. REMARKS - TM-11-5965-280-150019ScopePurpose and Use - TM-11-5965-280-150024Figure 1. Handset H-189/GR.Replacing Earphone Element.Figure 3. Handset H-189/GR, switch removed.Performance TestReplacement of Cord AssemblyREFERENCES - TM-11-5965-280-150030BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-11-5965-280-150031Section II. Basic Issue Items ListMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-5965-280-150033Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-11-5965-280-150034Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-5965-280-150035Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-11-5965-280-150036Section III. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-11-5965-280-150037ORGANIZATIONAL, DS, GS, AND DEPOT REPAIR PARTSFederal Stock NumberLocation of Repair Parts - TM-11-5965-280-150040SECTION II. Prescribed Load Allowance ListSection III. Repair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - TM-11-5965-280-150042Section IV. Repair Parts, Depot Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts, Depot Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance SECTION V. FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXTM-11-5965-280-15 Depot Maintenance Manual Handset H-189/GR