TM 11-5965-280-15
W ASHINGTON , DC, 21 September 1979
No. 3
Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance
Manual Including Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists
Handset H189/GR
TM 11-5965-280-15, 20 October 1966, is
changed as follows:
When cleaning the receiver-transmit-
ter cover (9, fig. 2) and the micro-
insert sharp tools into the holes.
8. Operator's Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
Routine checks like cleaning, dust-
servicing, and inspection of equipment to pre-
ing, washing, checking for frayed
vent the occurrence of trouble, to reduce down-
cable, stowing items not in use, cover-
time, and to assure that the equipment is in
serviceable condition, To assist in maintaining
for loose screws are not listed as
PMCS checks. They are things that
what to check, how to check, and what the
you should do anytime you see they
normal conditions are. If the defect cannot be
must be done.
remedied, higher category maintenance or re-
If your equipment must be kept in
pair is required. Records and reports of these
check and
continuous operation,
checks and services must be made in accordance
service those items that can be check-
with the requirements set forth in TM 38750.
ed and serviced without disturbing op-
eration. Make the complete checks
routine systematic care for proper upkeep and
and services when the equipment can
operation of the equipment.
be shut down.
Use the ITEM NO. column in your
PMCS table as a source of numbers
for the TM Item No. column on DA
Form 2404, (Equipment Inspection
8.1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance
and Maintenance Worksheet) in re-
Checks and Services
cording results of PMCS.
To be sure that your handset is ready for your
Deficiencies that cannot be corrected
mission, you must perform your WEEKLY
must be reported to higher category
( W ) Preventive Maintenance Checks and
maintenance personnel. Records and
Services (PMCS). When you are doing any
reports of preventive maintenance
PMCS or routine checks, keep in mind the
must be made in accordance with pro-
warnings and cautions.
cedures given in TM 38--750.