Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-11-5965-283-150002Figure 1-1. Headset-Microphone H-182/PT.Description - TM-11-5965-283-150004Installation and Operating InstructionsChapter 2 Maintenance InstructionsRemoval of Microphone ElementRemoval of Earphone ElementFigure 2-3. Switch, Exploded ViewFigure 2-4. Headset Microphone General Support MaintenanceREFERENCES - TM-11-5965-283-150012Appendix B BASIC ISSUE ITEMSSECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-11-5965-283-150014Appendix C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection III. Tools and Test Equipment RequirementsAppendix D Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Repair Parts Repair Parts of Direct SupportUnit of Measure ColumnFederal Supply CodesSection II. Prescribed Load AllowanceSection III. Repair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - TM-11-5965-283-150024Section IV Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Section IV Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance - TM-11-5965-283-150026Section IV Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance - TM-11-5965-283-150027Section IV Repair Parts for Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance - TM-11-5965-283-150028Section V Index-Federal Stock Number CROSS Reference to Index Number - TM-11-5965-283-150029Section V Index-Federal Stock Number CROSS Reference to Index Number - TM-11-5965-283-150030Sectioin VII Index-Reference Designation Cross Reference to Index NumberForms and RecordsTM-11-5965-283-15 Headset-Microphone H-182/PT Manual