TM 32-5835-005-14 & P
b. Set oscillator to 1KHZ at 0dB.
f. Record 10 counts.
c. Put unit in RECORD.
g. Disconnect oscillator from channel
1 only.
d. Set both MAN GAIN pots each
channel for an output of +7dBm.
h. Continue recording 10 more counts.
e. Increase oscillator to +10dB; reset
i. Reconnect oscillator to channel 1,
counter to 000.
f. Record 20 counts.
j. Continue recording 10 more counts.
g. REWIND tape to 010 on counter.
k. Rewind to Zero.
puts. Turn MAN GAIN pots to the extreme
l. Connect filter to headphone jack,
counter clockwise position.
set filter cutoffs to 200Hz (low) and
800Hz (high).
i. Put unit in RECORD. Record 10
m. Connect VTVM to output of filter.
j. Rewind to 000 on counter.
n. Put unit in REPRO.
k. Connect filter to headphone jack.
o. Set MAN GAIN of each channel for
Set filter cutoffs to 500 Hz (low) and
0dB reading on VTVM.
2 KHz (high).
p. When the recording made in step h
l. Connect VTVM to output of filter.
passes heads, note output of channel 1
as seen on VTVM.
m. Put unit in REPRO.
q. When the recording made in step j
n. Set MAN GAIN of each channel to
passes heads, note output of channel 2
+10dB reading on VTVM.
as seen on VTVM.
o. After counter passes 010, observe
r. Readings p and q should be at least
output of each channel.
40dB below reading of step o.
p. The difference between step n and
step o, should exceed 40dB for each
8-44. Crosstalk Measurement.
a. Set speed 15/16.
b. Set oscillator to 400Hz at 0dB.
c. Put unit in RECORD.
d. Set MAN GAIN of each channel for
an output of +7dBm.
e. Reset counter to 000.
Change 2