TM 11-5835-241-13&P
(7) To use the tape counter, write the tape counter
indication number on the tape carton at the beginning and end of
each recording session, selection, or topic being recorded.
to these numbers for playback or if additional recordings are to be
Starting additional recordings at a higher
made on the same tape.
number than the end of the last recording on the tape will insure
that previous recordings will not be erased or destroyed.
(8) When recording is finished, depress the STOP switch.
(9) If another recording is to be made on the same tape,
advance the tape a small amount by depressing the FAST FORWARD
This will provide a clear break between recordings. If
no further recording is to be made, rewind the tape on the feed reel
by depressing the FAST REWIND switch.
(10) To deenergize the recorder, depress the POWER OFF
(1) Prepare the recorder for use as described in paragraph
3-3, using pre-recorded tape on the
feed reel pedestal. If an ex-
ternal speaker or headset is to be used, plug the speaker or headset
plug into the EXTENSION SPEAKER jack.
(2) Depress the PLAY switch.
(3) Adjust the PLAY LEVEL control for a comfortable
listening level.
(4) If a selected portion of the tape is to be played.
depress the STOP switch, then depress the FAST FORWARD switch and
allow the tape to advance until the number on the tape counter cor-
responds to the number on the tape carton for the beginning of that
portion and depress the STOP switch. Depress the PLAY switch to