units because of precious metal con-
(3) Subsequent changes to organization-
tent, critical materials, high dollar
al allowances will be limited as fol-
value reusable casings or castings.
l o w s : No change in the range of
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 1, Sec-
items is authorized. If additional
items are considered necessary,
tion II; Column 2 Sections III and IV. T h e
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n should be for-
Federal stock number for the item is indi-
w a r d e d to Commanding General,
cated in this column.
U.S. Army Electronics Command,
c. Description, Column 2, Section II; Col-
umn 3, Sections III and IV. The sequence
Monmouth, N. J., 07703, for excep-
n u m b e r , Federal item name, a five-digit
tion or revision to the allowance list.
manufacturer's code, an indenture code, and
Revisions to the range of items au-
a part number are included in this column.
thorized will be made by the USA
The indenture codes indicate the end item,
ECOM National Maintenance Point
the assemblies, and the component parts.
based upon engineering experience,
Identical codes are parts of the preceding
demand data, of TAERS informa-
higher code.
(4) The quantitative allowances for DS/
d. Unit of Issue, Column 4, Sections III and
IV. The unit used as a basis of issue (e.g. ea,
GS levels of maintenance represent
pr, ft, yd, etc) is noted in this column
initial stockage for a 30-day period
for the number of equipments sup-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack,
Column 5. Not used.
h. One-Year Allowances Per 100 Equip-
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column
ments/Contingency Planning Purposes, Col-
6, Sections III and IV The quantity of repair
umn 8, Section IV. Opposite the first appear-
parts in an assembly is given in this column.
ance of each item, the total quantity re-
q u i r e d for distribution and contingency
g. Maintenance Allowance, Column 3, Sec-
planning purposes is indicated. The range of
tion II; Column 7, Sections III and IV.
items indicates total quantities of all authori-
(1) The allowance columns are divided
zed items required to provide for adequate
into subcolumns. The total quanti-
support of 100 equipments for 1 year.
ty of items authorized for the num-
i. Illustration, Column 8, Section III,- Col-
ber of equipments supported is in-
umn 10, Section IV.
dicated in each subcolumn opposite
(1) Figure number, column 8a, and 10a.
the first appearance of each item.
The number of the illustration in
Items authorized for use as required
b u t not for initial stockage are
which the item is shown is indicated
identified with an asterisk (*) in
in this column.
the allowance column.
(2) Item or symbol number, column 8b,
(2) The quantitative allowances for or-
and 10b. The callout number used
ganizational level of maintenance
to reference the item in the illustra-
represents one initial prescribed load
tion is indicated in this column.
for a 15-day period for the number
J. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
of equipments supported. Units and
Equipments, Column 9. Not used.
organizations authorized additional
prescribed loads will multiply the
D-4. Stockage
number of prescribed loads authori-
No parts authorized for stockage at general
zed by the quantity of repair parts
support. When unrepairable at direct sup-
reflected in the appropriate density
port this equipment will be salvaged. Depot
column to obtain the total quantity
overhaul is not authorized.
of repair parts authorized.