D-1. Scope
P-------- Applies to repair parts that are
This appendix contains a list of repair parts
stocked in or supplied from the
required for the performance of organization-
GSA/DSA, or Army supply system,
and authorized for use at indicated
al maintenance and a list covering the cor-
maintenance categories.
responding requirements for direct support
A __---__ Applies to assemblies that are not
for Handset H-189/GR.
procured or stocked as such but are
Note. No special tools, test, and support equip-
made up of two or more units, each
ment are required for H-189/GR.
of which carry individual stock
numbers and descriptions and are
procured and stocked and can be
D-2. General
assembled by units at indicated
This repair parts list is diveded into four
maintenance categories.
principal parts:
X1 ----- .. Applies to repair parts which are not
procured or stocked, the require-
a. Prescribed Load Allowance List (PLA)
ment for which will be supplied by
Section II. The PLA is a consolidated listing
the use of next higher assembly or
of repair parts allocated for initial stockage
at organizational maintenance level. This is
X2 ______ Applies to repair parts which are not
a mandatory minimum stockage allowance.
stocked. The indicated mainte-
nance category requiring such re-
b. Repair Parts for Organizational Mainte-
pair parts will attempt to obtain
nance, Section III.
Repair parts authorized
them through cannibalization if
for organizational maintenance is included in
not obtainable through cannibali-
this section.
zation, such repair parts will be
requisitioned with supporting justi-
c. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General
fication through normal supply
Support, and Depot Maintenance, Section IV.
This chart lists repair parts authorized for
(2) Maintenance code, column 1b. T h e
maintenance performance at direct support.
lowest category of maintenance au-
thorized to install the listed item is
d. Federal Stock Number Cross-Reference
noted here.
Index, Section V. This is a cross-reference in-
dex of Federal stock numbers to illustrations
O --- __- Organizational maintenance
by figure and item number.
F ------- Direct support maintenance
(3) Recoverability code, column 1c. T h e
D-3. Explanation of Columns
information in this column indicates
An explanation of the columns in sections
whether unserviceable items should
II through IV is given below.
be returned for recovery or salvage.
Recoverability codes and their ex-
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverabili-
planations are as follows:
ty Codes, Column 1, Sections III and IV.
Note. When there is no code indicated
(1) Source, code, column 1a. The selec-
in the recoverability column, the part will
tion status and source for the listed
be considered expendable.
i t e m is noted here. Source codes
and their explanations are as fol-
U ------- Applies to repair parts specifically
lows :
selected for salvage by reclamation