f. The net effect of this procedure is to make
For example, with the aid of the training
specialist, all requirements for television
available quickly many hours of effective Army
closeups of the equipment, devices and
instruction. Extensive research has shown that the
actions can he identified. This will aid the
presentation of effective classroom instruction via
television production specialist in the use
television does not reduce the effectiveness of this
of closeups for demonstrating these
instruction. Therefore the employment of an effective
actions. Any additional suggestions for
classroom instructor in the manner described above
the improvement.
of the classroom
should serve to enhance the training mission of an
instruction can be of fairly simple and
installation. Later, if required, steps may be taken to
inexpensive nature.
further improve the presentation. These improvements
should reflect demonstrated inadequacies in student
(3) In .addition to the closeup, there is the
learning rather than unsupported opinion. Unnecessary,
"split screen" which permits the television
complicated, and expensive TV production procedures
presentation to be divided in half so that
which involve lengthy detailed scripts, expensive
the correct way of doing things call 'be
training aids, and other special items should be avoided.
demonstrated on the left side of the
While there is a proper use for this more complex
screen and the incorrect way on the right
approach in the preparation of certain special subjects,
side. Superimposures, which describe the
an important, segment of Army training can be quickly
placement upon the television pictures of
and effectively adapted to television production by
titles, names, nomenclatures, and similar
adherence of techniques described in 4 above.
ways of reinforcing student learning by
converting picture and words can be used.
g. Following the procedures discussed above, a
production rate by a television production team of one
(4) Following this preliminary run through, the
fifty-minute completed recording per day is a realistic
television production specialist can then
arrange for the instructor to rehearse
5. Television Projectors. a. The capability to
before the television cameras and present
display dynamic information on large size projection
his material as he had in the classroom.
screens has many applications. The ability to reproduce
.At this stage he may note the adequacy
displays of rapidly changing information is an inherent
of classroom aids, the effects of closeups
advantage of projected television displays.
as they appear on the screen, as well as
any special techniques he may have
b. Applications of this capability exist in the areas
desired to use. The television production
of Data Display, Traffic Control, Briefing Conferences,
specialist also gains information about the
Educational Environments, and many others.
placement of his camera or other
c. The selection of projection equipments available
television equipment.
to meet these requirements is limited. They fall into two
d. One more rehearsal may be required before the
price categories, projectors that cost less than ,000
cameras to take into account any subsequent, changes
and those that, cost approximately ,000.
in aids, camera placement procedures, and lighting.
d. The lower cost units employ a, Schmidt optical
Following this the final recording of the instruction can
system for projection of picture information. The higher
take place.
cost units utilize a light amplifier technique.
e. In this procedure the instructor is not required to
(1) Schmidt optical system projectors. The
develop any written scripts. He relies on the approved
Schmidt system employs a .cathode-ray
lesson plan and what. he ordinarily teaches ill the
tube (CRT) so positioned that the light
classroom. The television production specialist may
from its displayed image is reflected from
also use this classroom outline to make notes as to
the surface of a concave mirror, through a
camera placement and other activities related to the use
correction lens and through a suitable
of the television equipment.
projection lens to a display screen.