TB 108-4
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.
23 June 1967
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................
Responsibilities of Chief of Communications-Electronics .................................................................
Opportunities for Improvement, in Certain Audio-Visual Activities ...................................................
Television Recordings to fulfill certain U.S. Army Military Training Requirements ......................... .
Television Projectors .......................................................................................................................
Replacement Items for TV Systems Previously Approved as a Class IV Project (DEV) ...................
Test Equipment ................................................................................................................................
Supplies ...........................................................................................................................................
to the prevention or elimination of deficiencies. Specific
1. Introduction. This is the first in a series of
types of deficiencies or potential deficiencies are listed
bulletins entitled Audio-Visual Services. These bulletins
below. Action by commanders to determine current,
will be applicable to photographic services, television
status within their jurisdiction and to initiate appropriate
services, audio-visual support center services, and
action is a matter of importance.
related subjects. Its intent is to enable and encourage
information. It, will assist all interested persons to stay
a. Valid requirements must exist as basis for all
abreast of Army policy, new techniques, and latest
requests for authorization for expansion of existing
industry developments. Suggestions and proposals for
photographic, television and audio-visual support center
future bulletins and subject material are encouraged.
(film distribution and utilization) facilities, or activation of
Inquiries, formal and informal, for additional information
new facilities.
and/or guidance are also encouraged and should be
b. Duplication of facilities is unjustifiable except in
addressed to Headquarters, Department of Army, Office
those few cases where unusual mission requirements
of the Chief of Communications-Electronics, ATTN :
make it necessary for an organization to maintain a
Chief, Audio-Visual Division, Washington, D.C. 20315.
"sole-user': facility even if another exists in the same
area. Action should be taken by commanders to initiate
2. Responsibilities
Communications-Electronics. The Chief of Staff,
c. The various portions of a single facility; i.e., the
studio, maintenance, and supervisory portions of a
Electronics with the responsibility for reviewing,
television facility, should all be together as opposed to
coordinating, and supervising all Army audio-visual
location in separate areas.
activities. In fulfilling these new responsibilities greater
d. All facilities should be fully utilized in meeting
efficiency and economy is sought within the functional
bona fide, valid requirements for services. For instance,
coverage of civilian activities, social events, parades,
distribution/utilization services and in the support of
presentation of awards, and visiting dignitaries will be
these functions.
limited to justified official requirements.
3. Opportunities for Improvement in Certain
Audio-Visual Activities. A number of opportunities for
improvements in management and conduct of these
audio-visual activities exist.
Surveys, liaison valid
reports have surfaced certain needs for further attention
TAGO 2A-July 300-465c43-67