Tear (FWT), a Class IV Project (Dev) is not required
(b) Major operational problems associated
since the authorization is contained in the TDA.
with light valve projection are cathode
7. Test Equipment. Within a television facility, on
failures and leaky vacuum systems.
of the most versatile pieces of test equipment is a
Major overhaul requirements would
general purpose television waveform monitor. It should
require extraordinary procedures and
have as a minimum the following characteristics:
necessitate returning the equipment to the
manufacturer for such services.
a. The television waveform monitor should consist,
(c) In contrast to the routine maintenance
designed primarily for the monitoring- and measuring of
problems associated with the Schmidt
video waveforms. It should be capable of displaying
projection systems, the controlled layer
any portion of a composite or noncomposite television
signal. In general, this type of monitor is available in
requirements that are foreign to military
either a standard 19-inch rack or a field case
trained television personnel. Additional
training of technicians would be necessary
to permit maximum utilization of light
b. The monitor should be capable of operating at
valve systems.
the system standard--525 lines at 160 cycles, or other if
necessary. Instruments of this nature must be designed
(d) The general size (two cabinets, 70 x 28 x
for continuous duty operation and expedient
50-in. and 38 x 14 x 18-in.) and weight
maintenance. All operating controls should be located
involved (approx. 1,200 lb) requires
on the front panel for ease of operation. The graticule
special handling when utilized as a
(scale) covering the scope tube should be marked in
portable unit.
Institute of Radio Engineers units, and easily
(e) In consideration of problems encountered
changeable to other scales, if required. Engraved
in the areas of CRT phosphor burning,
graticules and adjustable edge lighting should be
imploding CRT's, limited high output,
available. Input cable connectors should be located on
cleaning, and the unstable picture size
the rear of the chassis; however, it will prove an
obtainable from low cost television
additional convenience to have one additional input
projectors of the Schmidt Optics variety,
located on the front panel. The type of connectors
potential requirements must be carefully
should be in line with those used throughout the system.
evaluated by the requesting agency. The
c. The necessary inputs to this device normally are
high cost., and requirements for highly
the following: Video inputs, synchronizing inputs, and a
trained operational and maintenance
personnel for light amplified television
necessary impedances and signal level capabilities
projectors, requires careful evaluation by
must exist at these inputs. Normally, it is desirable to
the requesting agency as to whether there
have the input signal circuits available on a selector
is a bona fide requirement. The multiple
This capability should have switchable
utilization of television monitors at most
effective positions within audiences is
mode of operation. Under certain operation conditions,
recommended in lien of television
it is advantageous for the instrument to have internal
calibration signals. This requirement usually does not
not to authorize the purchase of these
exist if the facility is operation from one single system
standard for calibration. The necessary controls should
applications are fully justified.
be available for the cathode ray tube display. These
6. Replacement Items for TV Systems
should be mounted on the front panel for operator
Previously Approved as a Class IV Project (DEV).
convenience. Sweep displays, horizontal and vertical,
Once a Class IV project has been approved and is
should be defined along with system scan requirements,
operational, it is the responsibility of the commander to
including the signal expansion needs, if any.
initiate action to modify the TDA (AR 310-49) to reflect
the television items. Therefore, when an item an item of
TV equipment must be replaced due to Fair Wear and