TM 11-5835-241-13&P
115V ac is present at TB3.
Use extreme caution.
(1) Connect dc voltmeter between E9 on printed circuit
board, and ground.
Set voltmeter to 50 volt range.
Depress POWER ON switch.
Depress PLAY switch.
Adjust Balance Adj control R36 for a voltmeter reading
of 15V dc.
It is necessary to periodically demagnetize the record-
reproduce head because it has a tendency to become magnetized from
stray magnetic fields and improper usage.
A magnetized head will have
an increased noise level, distorted signals, and a poor response to
high frequencies..
A demagnetizer is the only equipment needed.
(1) Place a piece of masking tape or insulated tubing over
the tips of the demagnetizer.
(2) Remove the tape from the transport; make sure that the
power switch of the recorder is in the "OFF" position.
(3) Remove the head cover to expose the record head.
(4) Plug the demagnetizer into a 120 volt AC source.
(5) Bring the tips of the demagnetizer in contact with the
face of the record-reproduce head.
with an even motion slowly move
the tips of the demagnetizer back and forth; make sure that the tips
are on both sides of the gap.
(6) Withdraw the demagnetizer slowly to insure complete