TM 11-5835-241-13&P
(5) Never remove or replace a transistor while the equipment
is turned on because surge currents may damage the transistors.
(6) Short circuits of any kind are likely to damage tran-
When making meter checks, avoid accidental shorts between
adjacent terminals by insulating the meter test prod, leaving only
about 1/8 inch of the tip exposed.
(7) Do not connect a ground lead from test equipment to
heat sink because the heat sink may not be common to the chassis.
(8) If the transistor being replaced is heat sinked, be
sure to heat sink the replacement transistor.
Procedures for testing the recorder to insure that it meets
These tests should
acceptable performance standards are given below.
be performed at a time equipment performance is optimum and a table
of reference standards with which the measured values can be compared
Subsequent performance values can then be ob-
should be prepared.
served for signs of progressive deterioration which would indicate
the need for corrective maintenance prior to equipment failure.
These tests should be performed every 1000 hours of operation and
after major repairs before returning recorder to stock for reissue.
These procedures assume that the technician making the performance
tests is thoroughly familiar with operating procedures and therefore,
specific control settings to perform the functions are not required.
Perform the procedure below to determine
Observe that all controls are func-
that the recorder is operating.
tioning as tho procedure is performed.
Refer to test setup diagram,
(1) Place a full reel of tape on the feed reel pedestal and