TM 11-5835-241-13&P
(3) Set signal generator frequency to 500 Hz and output
level for 20 mv.
(4) Adjust RECORD LEVEL control for -12 VU on vu meter.
(S) Record 60 seconds of this frequency.
(6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) with signal generator set to
the following frequencies at an output level of 20 mv: 7500 Hz, 5000
Hz, 2500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 100 Hz.
(7) Repeat steps (3) through (6) with signal generator
connected to BRIDGE INPUT jack and output level of 500 mv.
(8) Repeat steps (3) through (7) with SPEED control set to
3.75 i.p.s.
(9) Connect distortion analyzer in VTVM mode to the
EXTENSION SPEAKER jack across an 8-ohm resistor.
(10) Rewind tape and play back the first 500 Hz recorded
signal and set PLAY LEVEL control for an output level of 0.7 volts as
indicated on the distortion analyzer meter.
Leave LEVEL control set
at this point.
(11) Play back each frequency recorded at 7.5 i.p.s. and
each frequency recorded at 3.75 i.p.s. and record voltage level
indicated on distortion analyzer meter.
(12) Output voltage levels shall be between 0.43 and 1.1
volts, with the PLAY LEVEL control still set to the reference level
of step (10)0
(1) Connect signal generator to BRIDGE INPUT jack.
(2) Set signal generator frequency to 1000 Hz and output
level for 500 mv.
(3) Depress RECORD switch and set RECORD level for +3 VU
as indicated on W meter.