TM 11-5835-241-13&P
(4) Set SPEED control for 7.5 i.p.s. and record five
minutes of this signal.
(S) Depress FAST FORWARD switch and completely wind remainder
of tape on take-up reel.
(6) Reverse the reels, rethread tape, and record five
minutes of this same signal.
(7) Rewind the tape.
(8) Connect distortion analyzer in vtvm mode to EXTENSION
SPEAKER jack across an 8-ohn resistor.
(9) Depress PLAY switch and set PLAY LEVEL control for an
output level of four volts as indicated on distortion analyzer meter.
Do no change PLAY LEVEL control setting.
(10) Depress FAST FORWARD) switch and completely wind re-
mainder of tape on take-up reel.
(12) Reverse the reels, rethread tape, and record five
minutes of no signal input over the previously recorded signal (step
(13) Rewind the tape and, observing the distortion analyzer
meter, play back the no signal input recorded portion of tape.
PLAY LEVEL control must still be as set in step 9.) The output volt-
age level, as indicated on the distortion analyzer shall not be
greater than 88 mv (35db. signal-to-noise ratio).
(14) Disconnect test equipment, maintenance standards tests
are complete.