ated position. In the Meter M1 reading
5. General Test Requirements
column, the letter R indicates that readings
a. Test Set ANV/PTM-6. This test set
to the right of the designated values are
must be permitted a 5-minute warmup
period before adjusting the measuring cir-
cuit sensitivity. Make all tests at normal
6. Receiving and Transmitting Efficiency
room temperatures.
b. Transmitting and Receiving Tests.
The handsets must meet the requirements
The following charts contain the receiv-
ing efficiency and transmitting efficiency
tested with AN/PTM-6. The dials and
tests of the various handsets.
switches of the test set that are not listed
a. Connection of Handset Cords and
in the charts must remain in the unoper-
Adjustment of Test Set.
Dial control D2 must be set for the maximum decibel (db) reading on meter M1, with control D4 in position 6.