Keys not listed in the chart remain in the unoperated position.
rying parts of the switch, and between the
7. Insulation Resistance Test
switch frame and its current-carrying
With the plug on Test Lead CX-3303/G
inserted in L1-L2 on the AN/PTM-6, and
the clips on the other end of the test leads
8. Handset H-60/PT Continuity Test
attached to the handset cords, an insulation
made by using the lowest scale on Multi-
handset cord and switch wired to the hand-
meter TS-352/U. With the red and green
set. The transmitting and receiving units
wires of the handset tied together, measure
must be removed from the handset. A read-
ing to the left of -6 db must be indicated
wires. The press-to-talk switch must be
on. meter M1 in the AN/PTM-6 when the
depressed. The meter reading on the TS-
352/U must be 7 ohms.
cord conductors, between current-car-