(4) Push the insert out of the body with
R e f e r to t h e s c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m
the eraser end of a pencil.
(5) Pull each of the contacts at the ends
b. Performance Test. The performance of
of the leads of the cord from the in-
the H-189/GR may be tested with Telephone
sert to remove the cord.
Test Set AN/PTM-6.
f. Replacement of Connector U-229/U (fig.
c. Removal of Switch (fig. 3). To remove
4). To
replace the
U-229/U on the
cord, pro-
the switch from the handle, proceed as fol-
ceed as follows:
(1) Assemble the parts of the U-229/U
(1) Remove the two screws that hold
on the end of the cord as shown in
the switch cover.
has its slit toward the insert. Slip
(2) Remove the switch cover and dust
the fabric cord in the slit of the
s p a c e r with the knot outside the
(3) Pull the switch straight out of the
(2) P u s h each lead contact into the
(4) With a pair of long-nosed pliers, slip
proper insert connector. R e f e r to
each of the five leads from the arms
of the switch contacts.
(3) Place the threaded end of the body
toward the insert. Align the index
d. Replacement of Switch (fig. 3). To re-
of the insert with the grooves in the
place the switch in the handle, proceed as
body and push the insert into place
in the body.
(1) With a pair of long-nosed pliers, slip
(4) Bring the rubber washer and retain-
each of the five lead contacts on the
ing nut into place. Hold the body
arms of the switch contacts. Be sure
and screw the retaining nut into the
that the leads are connected to the
body. Tighten the retaining nut with
proper switch contacts. Refer to fig-
a wrench.
ure 5 for the color code.
(5) S h o v e t h e r u b b e r s e a l a n d f l a t
(2) Carefully push the switch into place
washer into the retaining nut. Hold
in the handle.
the body and screw the hexagonal
(3) Replace the dust boot and switch
nut firmly into the retaining nut.
Caution: Be careful not to twist
(4) Replace and tighten the two screws
the cord while tightening the hex-
that hold the switch cover.
agonal nut.
e. Removal of Connector U-229/U (fig. 4).
g. Removal of Cord Assembly. To remove
To remove the U-229/U from the cord, pro-
cord assembly from the handle, proceed as
ceed as follows:
follows :
(1) With a wrench, unscrew the hex-
Note. The cord assembly includes a U-229/U.
agonal nut.
(1) Remove the switch as explained in
Caution: Be careful not to twist
c above.
the cord while loosening the hexa-
(2) Remove the screw in the handle (6,
gonal nut.
(2) Slip the hexagonal nut and flat
h o l d s the cord assembly in the
washer back on the cord.
(3) Hold the body and unscrew the re-
(3) Slip the cord assembly out of the
taining nut with a wrench.