b. Report of Damaged or Improper Ship-
inches wide, and tapers in thickness from 7/8
inches to 3/8 inches. The microphone and
ment. Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Re-
port of Damaged or Improper Shipment) as
prescribed in AR 700-58 (Army), NAVSANDA
A push switch (5, fig. 3), which is inclosed
in the handset, is a double-pole, single-throw
publication 378 (Navy), and AFR 71-4 (Air
bar-activated type with normally open con-
tacts. When the bar is depressed, the con-
c . Reporting of Equipment Manual Im-
tacts close in sequence; the microphone cir-
provements. DA Form 2028 (Recommended
cuit first, and then the control circuit. The
Changes to DA Publications) will be used for
H-189/GR has a 24-inch retractile cord which
reporting discrepancies and recommendations
will extend to over 6 feet. The cord is termi-
for improving this manual. The form will be
nated in a 5-pin connector type U-229/U. A
completed by the individual using the manu-
clip on the back of the handset permits it to
al and forwarded direct to Commanding Gen-
be attached to clothing.
eral, U.S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
AMSEL-MR-NMP-AD, Fort Monmouth, N. J.,
7. Connecting and Using
a. Connecting. Insert Connector U-229/U
into the proper receptacle on the equipment
The H-189/GR is a lightweight handset. It
and slowly rotate the connector clockwise
is used with portable and vehicular radio
with a steady forward pressure. When the
equipment. T h e earphone portion is thin
guide pins of the connector are in the proper
enough to slip under Combat Helmet M1.
grooves, the connector will move forward and
seat itself. Twist the knurled portion of the
5. Technical Characteristics
connector to the right and pull sharply to set
300 to 3,500 cps.
the connector.
Weight . . . . . . . . . 1lb, 3 oz.
b. Using. Hold the handset so that the ear-
._. 150 ohms.
phone is against the ear and the microphone
Microphone resistance _____ Approximately 3.3 ohms.
is approximately one-half inch from the lips.
The earphone can be slipped under Combat
Earphone resistance _.__ -_ Approximately 23 ohms.
Helmet M1. To talk, depress the switch bar;
to listen, release the switch bar.
c. Disconnecting. To disconnect the H-189/
GR from the equipment, slowly rotate Con-
n e c t o r U-229/U counterclockwise w i t h a
The H-189/GR is a light, watertight, dur-
steady forward pressure.
a b l e handset. It is 8 inches long, 1-9/16