2-10. General Support Maintenance
Restore the appearance, performance, and life
expectancy of Headset-Microphone H-182/PT to
Complete rebuild of Headset-Microphone
a standard comparable to that of new equipment
H-182/PT and/or its individual components may
by performing the following procedures:
be accomplished by depot maintenance facilities
a. Disassemble all units or assemblies of the
when authorized. Rebuild procedures of the
H-182/PT will include all repairs, rebuild, re-
b. Inspect all component parts.
placement, and testing operations necessary to
c. Repair or replace any worn or unserviceable
make the equipment suitable for return to De-
partment of the Army supply system stocks for
reissue to using organizations as equipment
Note. Replacement parts normally will be obtained from
salvage units.
equivalent to new material. Detailed procedures
d. Reassemble the equipment.
for accomplishing the repair or adjustments
e. Test the equipment to insure that it per-
established in the preceding portions of this
forms satisfactorily.
manual and such additional repair and rebuild
operations as deemed necessary, will be estab-
lished by the maintenance facility performing
the work.