b. Federal Stock Number Column. This column
B-1. Scope
indicates the Federal stock number for the item.
This appendix lists items comprising an operable
c. Description Column. This column includes
equipment and those required for installation,
the Federal item name and any additional de-
operation, or operator's maintenance for Headset-
scription of the item which may be required.
Microphone H-182/PT.
A part number or other reference number is
followed by the applicable five-digit Federal
Supply Code for Manufacturers. Usable on code
column is not used.
B-2. Explanation of Columns
d. Unit of Issue Column. The unit used as a
basis of issue (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.) is given to
The following is a list of explanations of columns
this column.
in section II.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack Column
Not, used.
Codes (SMR) Column.
(1) Source code (s). Not used.
f. Quantity incorporated in Unit Column. The
(2) Maintenance code (m). The lowest cate-
total quantity of the item used in the equipment
gory of maintenance authorized to install the
is given in this column.
item is indicated by the second code in the
g. Quantity Furnished with Equipment Column
column. The maintenance category code and its
This column lists the quantity of the item sup-
explanation is-
plied for initial operation of the equipment and/or
the quantities authorized to be kept on hand
the operator for maintenance of the equipment
C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operator/crew
h. Quantity Authorized Column. Not used.
i. Illustration Column
(1) Figure number (a). The number of the
(3) Recoverability code (R). The recover-
illustration on which the item is shown is indi-
ability code is the third code in the column. It
indicates whether unserviceable items should be
cated in this column.
returned for recovery or salvage. Recoverability
(2) Item No. or reference designation:
code and its explanation is as follows:
Not used.
B-3. Federal Supply Codes
R-Applies to repair parts and assemblies that
This paragraph lists the Federal supply code with
are economically repairable at DSU and
the associated manufacturer's name.
GSU activities and are normally furnished
by supply on an exchange basis.
Note. When no code is indicated in the recoverability
18068 . . . . . A s t r o c o m E l e c t r o n i c s , I n c .
column, the part will be considered expendable.