TM 32-5835-005-14 & P
If the tips of the demagnetizer are un-
It is normal for dust, dirt, and lint
coated (plastic) place one layer of
from the environment and dust oxide
from the tape to gradually accumulate
netizer tips. Scratching the heads
on the face of the record/reproduce
and erase heads. This results in poor
will then be prevented.
(4) Bring the tips of the demagnet-
loss of volume, distortion, and inter-
izer to within approximately 1/8 inch
mittent or poor sound. As a precau-
(if the demagnetizer tips are taped or
tionary measure, never subject the
covered, contact with the heads can
be made) of the record head, straddle
the head has been near a strong perman-
the head gap and draw the demagnetizer
it will have to be demagnetized.
tips up and down the length of the re-
cord head three or four times.
5-10. Cleaning.
(5) Remove the demagnetizer slowly
from the record head to a distance of
Refer to operator maintenance instruc-
3 or 4 feet, thus allowing its a-c
field to diminish gradually. This slow
removal is extremely important.
a. General. Occasionally the heads
may become permanently magnetized
Do not unplug the demagnetizer while it
through improper use of the equipment
is near the heads; the collapse of its
or by contact with magnetized objects.
magnetic field may re-magnetize the
Magnetized heads may cause an increase
in distortion and can impair good re-
cordings by partially erasing high
(6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) at the
erase head.
b. Procedure. The procedure for head
(7) If necessary, repeat the pro-
demagnetization is as follows:
cess till complete demagnetization is
effected in each case.
(1) Open cassette loading door,
and rotate function switch to EJECT.
(2) Rotate function switch to
The erase head under certain conditions
is susceptible to magnetization by
(3) Plug the demagnetizer (not
spurious sources and can require de-
supplied) into a 115-volt a-c source.
(8) If the capstan, tape guides,
or other metal parts become magnetized,
a few passes of the demagnetizer along
their lengths and the slow withdrawing
technique should be adequate.