TM 32-5835-005-14 & P
a. Systematic Care. The procedures
routine systematic care and cleaning
The fumes of tricholoroethane are toxic.
essential to proper upkeep of the re-
Provide thorough ventilation whenever
Trichloroethane is not flammable, but
b. Preventive Maintenance - Checks
exposure of the fumes to an open flame
and Services. The checks and services
or hot metal forms highly toxic phosgene
to be performed daily and weekly.
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground
These checks and services are neces-
sary to maintain the AN/UNH-17A in a
in dirt from the outer case; use a
serviceable condition; that is, in
cloth dampened (not wet) with cleaning
good general (physical) condition and
in good operating condition. The
chart indicates what to check, how to
c. Remove dust or dirt from connector
sockets with a brush.
Reference column lists the illustra-
tions, paragraphs, or manuals that
contain detailed maintenance procedures.
If the defect cannot be remedied by
Do not press on meter or counter faces
the operator, higher category of main-
when cleaning. The faces are easily
tenance is required. Records and re-
ports of these checks and services
must be made in accordance with the
d. Clean the front panel, meter and
requirements set forth in DA PAM 738-
counter faces and control knobs, using
If the equipment is in a standby
a soft clean cloth. If dirt is diffi-
status, the preventive maintenance
cult to remove, dampen the cloth with
water. Mild soap may be used for more
4-1. must be performed weekly.
effective cleaning.
e. Clean the magnetic head using a
lint free cotton swab moistened (not
saturated) with Xylene (FED-SPEC TT-X-
Exterior Surfaces. Inspect the exter-
916B). Clean the face of magnetic
ior surfaces of the recorder. The
heads by wiping in the horizontal di-
surface should be free of dust, dirt,
rection along the head gap. At the
grease and fungus.
time the heads are cleaned, it is re-
commended that capstan shafts and tape
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a
guiding elements also be inspected and
clean soft cloth.
cleaned as necessary, using the same