TM 32-5835-005-14 & P
3-5. Record Mode of Operation.
1. Activate microphone (either chan-
nel 1 or 2) and record voice over re-
a. Record a signal from the receiver
(or other signal source) by pressing
ceiver signals.
the RECORD pushbutton - holding in
m. Press STOP pushbutton to stop re-
the depressed position and then press-
ing the REPRO push button.
b. The CHAN SEL switch must be ro-
3-6. Rewind Mode of Operation.
tated to the 1 or 2 position correspond-
ing to the channel to which the receiver
a. To move tape rapidly in a reverse
direction, press REWIND pushbutton.
signal is connected. This switch is for
Be sure SEARCH knob is fully clock-
monitoring only.
c. Throw either AGC - MAN 1 or 2
b. The rewind speed can be varied
switch to AGC position depending upon
channel in use. Operation in the MAN
(decreased) by rotating SEARCH knob in
a counterclockwise or increased in a
position with GAIN turned up will cause
clockwise direction which permits rapid
location of signals present on tape.
d. For recording, select a tape speed
of either 15/16 or 1-7/8 IPS by ro-
c. To stop tape motion when desired
tating SPEED CONTROL to appropriate
portion of tape has been reached, press
the STOP pushbutton.
e. Check VU METER 1 or 2 (depending
3-7. Reproduce Mode of Operation.
upon channel in use) deflection should
be in the red portion of the scale.
a. Select speed (15/16 or 1-7/8 IPS)
at which the signals were recorded by
f. If VU METER does not deflect to
rotating SPEED CONTROL to appropriate
the Red portionof the scale (insuff-
icient signal) throw either AGC - MAN
1 or 2 to MAN position depending upon
b. Headphone selector in Channel 1 and
channel in use.
g. Adjust either GAIN 1 or 2 (de-
c. Press REPRO pushbutton.
pending upon channel in use) until VU
METER deflects to the Red portion of
d. Place AGC-MAN 1 or 2 switch to
the scale.
MAN position depending upon channel in
h. If the receiver(s) and/or other
signal sources are connected to both
e. Adjust GAIN 1 or 2 (depending
channels it is possible to record sig-
upon channel in use) to a satisfactory
nals simultaneously.
listening level.
f. If two (2) signals were recorded
i. CHAN SEL switch must be placed
simultaneously (receiver and microphone)
in 1 and 2 position. To monitor both
both signals will be audible in the
signals being recorded.
j. Monitor both VU meters when es-
tablishing proper record level.
k. Check for receiver signals in the