TM 32-5895-001-24 & P
Motor-Bias card
Erase not functioning
Capstan motors not operating
Sensor circuit
No tone in headset at end of tape
Reel Motor circuit
Not operating; F/F mode
Not operating; F/R mode
Power Supply.
a. General. Troubleshooting procedures in table 3-1 provide information to deter-
mine the operating condition of the power supply. Output voltage is tested, under a
simulated operating load, for each of four input voltages that may be required when
using the recorder set.
b. Equipment.
(1) DC Source
230 Vac Cable
117 Vac Cable
22 to 30 Vdc Cable
Test Cable TX-2
Load Resistor TX-9
HIGH VOLTAGE is used in the operation of this equipment, DEATH
ON CONTACT may result if personnel fail to observe safety precau-
tions. Voltages of 117 Vac or 230 Vac are present inside the power
connector, which is connected to POWER connector J 2 on the rear of
the power supply. Be careful not to make contact with high voltage
connections when installing or operating this equipment. Before
working inside the equipment, turn power off and be sure to ground
points of high potential before touching them.
To avoid damage to your equipment, be sure the dc source and
variac output adjustment controls are set fully counterclockwise
before use.